Employers should recognise that these and other psychological injuries
vary in severity in the same way as physical injuries. But there are
still lots of things we can do to help ourselves feel better. Consider
your needs and available resources, and evaluate whether it will lead to
overextending yourself. Simple changes such as eating a healthy
breakfast and lunch can ensure you have sufficient energy to get through
a busy day, and boost your consumption of fruit and veg to keep your
immune system strong. But with work taking up so much of your day, its
unimaginable for it not to take a massive hit. As early as two weeks
into lockdown, employees were reporting a range of health effects
including negative impacts on mental health and overall well-being.
Watch a funny film, call your friends and play games. There is no
charge to use this service. Unlike a physical illness or injury, people
are far less likely to be open about a mental health concern and can
struggle on alone and in silence, making the problem worse. Try talking
to people at work or try to meet new people with common interests by
joining a club, class or by taking up a new hobby. Its important that
your organisation has clear absence and performance policies and
processes so that a consistent approach operates throughout the
They also provide supporting tools to help
individuals adopt and apply the competencies in their work settings. And
if we can go a step further and provide team-by-team training on mental
wellbeing, the members of each team will learn to recognise symptoms of
anxiety or low mood in friends and colleagues. Talking about workplace wellbeing initiatives
is a good step forward. Mental Health is undoubtedly as important as
physical health to the overall wellbeing ofindividuals, societies and
countries. In addition to the establishment of clear boundaries in
relation to getting the job done, constructive criticism, involving both
giving positive feedback and addressing problematic performance, was
important in enabling clients to develop in their jobs. Not really an
initiative but its so important it needs to be mentioned.
are little things you can do daily which may help. As with any illness,
it is much easier to support someone through management and recovery if
it is caught early. You also may find the support you need through
local support groups for a specific issue like parenting, dealing with a
health problem, or caring for a loved one who's ill. There are small,
simple steps you can take to make dealing with depression at work
something that people can talk about. Or you could take part in aquiz,
orread a book separately and then discuss it with each other when you
speak. To help prevent workplace stress, give employees the chance to
raise any issues they might have at an early stage.
Having a
fulfilling job can be good for your mental health and general wellbeing.
This allows businesses of any size to start to get an understanding of
how poor mental health may be impacting their business. Most university
wellbeing teams will be on hand during open days so you can find out
what's available before you start your degree. For some, working in
their own environment can make a pleasant change from the status quo.
Recent reports have discovered a crisis around managing employees with mental health issues today. One in five employees who experienced a mental health condition while working have felt under pressure to resign.
This year, in particular, has been difficult for us all with many
people being furloughed or losing their jobs entirely amidst lockdown.
This outlines some of the issues that employers may face with managing
employee mental health. Have a shower, listen to some music you enjoy,
and switch off your social media for a few hours. Active listening is a
term for a range of techniques that keep us present and engaged in a
conversation. It is essential that employers understand these conditions
and know how best to support workers. A reaction to a difficult life
event, such as bereavement, can make managing and supporting mental health at work higher on the agenda.
Regardless of whether you think you may have a mental illness or a
mental health issue, if you are finding things difficult, please seek
help. Even if employees are not experiencing poor mental health they may
have concerns and fears about return to a physical workplace, including
using public transport or staying safe in the work environment. This
becomes difficult if an employer is concerned for the welfare of their
employee in circumstances where they are threatening harm to themselves,
and/or the employer cannot make contact with them. A structured
telephone-based psychotherapy program was also offered to individuals
who declined referral to clinicians for face-to-face treatment. Use your
free time to pursue interests, hobbies or start DIY and home
improvement projects.
While current events might degrade an
employees psychological wellbeing, the root cause likely lies much
deeper. If you are a manager then mental health in the workplace
is a subject that you will be aware of. Technology enables us to work
from home a lot more and were losing that coffee-room chat that keeps us
connected so we can actually look out for our colleagues and notice
when theyre out of sorts. If we already experience symptoms of
depression at other times of the year, these could be made worse by SAD.
Someone with a mental health issue such as depression or anxiety should
not be treated any differently than an employee with heart disease or
asthma. This can help to put our own problems into perspective.
And lets not even get started on business productivity and morale. When
unemployed, you can focus on your deficiencies so its important to
remind yourself about your positive attributes. You might not be talking
about it, because employers duty of care
is still a taboo subject. Doing things that you know improves your
wellbeing can help you feel good and function well. A reasonable
adjustment can mean a physical change to a building, for example
installing a ramp for a wheelchair user. There will often be a change in
appetite and they will be more irritable.
As such, a more
holistic approach to managing employee mental health is required and the
first step you can take is to create a clear policy on the topic. So we
are going to talk about mental health. This is a wise saying if we
choose people we trust and who wont judge us to confide in - just being
listened to can help us feel supported and less alone. Everyone should
feel safe and supported to talk about mental health at work training
with their line manager. It is important to take the time to find out
the back story of the people you work with or employ, in order to be
aware of their feelings. There isnt a one size fits all approach to
supporting employees who have a mental health condition.
However, some clear themes emerged about strategies that were most and
least likely to be effective. Striking the appropriate balance between
work and personal life means people remain refreshed and productive. How
important is water & hydration to mental health. The benefits of
all of this are increased motivation, commitment and productivity within
your team as well as the ease of knowing they are valued in the
workplace and can always have open communications with you. Discussing mental health first aid in the workplace
can be a good way to alleviate a difficult situation. Without the usual
cues that come with face-to-face meetings, meeting participants could
easily worry about things that they would not have been worried about in
a traditional co-located environment.
The help they need will
depend on the nature of their disability. If you do find yourself
feeling stressed or anxious, please dont keep it to yourself. It is
designed to raise awareness of mental health and reduce the stigma
surrounding mental health issues. Coronavirus isnt just threatening our
physical health, but our mental health too. So, whats a manager to do?
How should he or she think about mental health? Whether you work with 10
people, 10000 people or just yourself, paying attention to workplace mental health has never been more important.
Stressors in the workplace could be targets, workload, long hours or
feeling undervalued. Collaborative care for major depressive disorder in
an occupational healthcare setting. These themes might equally provide a
productive focus for workplace health promotion more generally, using
organization development approaches. How to manage and support your
employees mental health. Looking after your mental health doesnt always
mean you can avoid problems entirely.
Another way to support your team is to make performance reviews a regular and scheduled event. Looking after mental health training for managers
can sometimes be quite difficult. Our courses are designed to reduce
stigma through education and increase the provision of care for those
who have a mental illness. If you know employees who are suffering from
poor mental health, then this might be a way to help them. Studies
indicate, poor quality diets increase the risk of depression. Try to
think of things you can do to help those around you.
can infect organisations like a virus. You might consider joining a
local club, charitable group or getting involved in community
activities. The judgment of employees who have bipolar disorder can
become questionable. Remember, everyone has their own struggles. If
someone has broken their leg, its easy to understand why they cant run.